Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers' Day

Tony and I had an amazing day! A great weekend, actually, but Mothers' Day was especially fun. For some reason Tony and I were both awake around 4:30 this morning, and I couldn't help but laugh about our conversation:

Me: Hi! (when I realized I wasn't the only one awake)
Him: Happy Mothers' Day (good one Tone, for remembering it in the middle of the night).
       Aaaugh. I just spent the last hour wheeling and dealing for a set of Tonka Trucks.
Me: (laughing, because I know the story of vivid dreams!) Well, did you get a good bargain?
Him: Oh yeah... but now I don't even get to keep 'em!

Must have been frustrating to have to haggle all night for non-existant merchandise. I really like that Tony - I think he's pretty funny.

I've been praying for our baby to be as nice as Tony is, and guess what?! He gave me a Mothers' Day card before he was even out of the womb! So that was really sweet of him and totally unexpected. In fact, I thought it was impossible but evidently it's not. (His dad might have helped him out with that one).

Did I mention yet that I made two pies before 9:00 am!? I love days like this. I actually had a load of laundry in before that, too! There's nothing better than taking advantage of the weekend.

The pies were really easy to make. Here's the recipe:

1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups crushed graham crackers (1/2 pound)

Here are mine:

(In my defense, the recipe does say you can use pre-made crust. And it was 8:00 am after all!)

3 8 oz packages of cream cheese
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 Tbsp lemon juice
1 8 oz container of Cool Whip
1 can of your favorite fruit filling

Beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix altogether. Fill pie crust (we actually had to throw some filling away because it made so much. We could have purchased larger crusts, so I'll remember that for next time.

Top with the fruit filling. Tony picked cherry, and I went for the blueberry:

(could have at least considered combing my hair before having my photo taken... but for the record, my teeth were brushed and hands were washed! Again... this is 8:00 am!)

Here are the finished pies. Yum. I hope mama Sarah and the rest of the fam enjoyed theirs, too!

At 11:30, we met my Mom, Gandma, Grandpa, Kristin, Ryan, and Leighton for lunch at the Speak Easy. I rarely order anything other than the Tortellini Carbonara there... sooo good. After that, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's so we could have dessert and visit for a bit. Grandpa played piano for Leighton:

(Shoot. I'm not sure how to upload that video, so I may have to look into that and post it soon!)

We took a picture of Great-Grandma, Grandma, Mom, Auntie (and Mom-to-be!), and Leighton at the park across the street from their house:

Then Mom and I ran to a fun fabric store (Carolyn, I left empty-handed again! I refuse to buy that fabric until I can use my 60% off coupon...) before meeting Tony at our house. Here's what we worked on this afternoon:

I know we have a little over 13 weeks until baby is due to arrive, but we've been pretty excited to get his nursery started, and it was Mothers' Day, after all! This means we're one step closer to being ready for baby R! We just can't wait to meet him...

Happy Mothers' Day again to our wonderful moms, grandmas and sisters (who are all amazing mothers already!)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Ah shoot! Wait for the coupon though, for sure. I bought enough for the both of us anyway. ;)