Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sneezing is funny... and other insights from a baby.

Kathryn turned one last week, and we celebrated with a pool party at a Fargo hotel. Not surprisingly, her mom planned the day perfectly from the color scheme to the party favors. Tina even made an owl-shaped cake from scratch to accompany the owl theme that has been Kat's entire life so far. And Kathryn was the cutest birthday girl!
Landon appreciated the opportunity to give swimming a try! First time in a pool took a little getting used to, but it ended on a good note!
Owen will be the birthday boy in exactly 4 weeks! I think he spent some time during the party figuring out what's expected of the guest of honor. He's going to rock it when his turn comes around.
And so that the title of this post makes sense, check out this video. I think we could have gone on like this for hours:

Oh little boy, you are too funny! He's been on a strict food strike for over a week now. Still nursing fine, but something must have happened that soured his interest in solid food. It came the day after trying applesauce for the first time, (obviously a traumatic experience!) and we're just now getting back on track. He has the sweetest way of refusing food though, all smiles and talking until he sees the spoon, then his mouth becomes an impermeable straight line. So the video above was my attempt to trick him into opening his mouth for a second.

Yesterday and today I did get a few spoonfuls of rice cereal and oatmeal through his lips, so I think I may be talking him back into trying again. I'm positive that he'll be eating regular food by kindergarten, so sometime between now and then it'll all click.

Landon has been increasingly amused by Sable lately, and I think she can sense that. She puts forth a little extra effort when he's around to appreciate her!
And finally, we had Landon's photos taken at the Plains Art Museum on Monday, and we LOVE them. He is just so pleasant and charming. I have to assume he gets it from me! (Okay, I'll share the credit with Tony. 60/40 and that's as much as I'm giving him).
Tony has still been super-busy with work and teaching, and I've been able to assist another Realtor a couple days a week the past month. It's been nice to get back to the office a little bit, and easier knowing my mom is watching L. I can't believe it's been over 7 months since I was working full-time. It's amazing how quickly the past months have gone. Now if we could only make it to springtime, right?

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