Sunday, February 6, 2011

No, Thank You.

The title of this post was going to be "yes, peas", because I proudly made a batch of sweet pea baby food for Landon to try out this week. But since his response to his mama's cooking was less than enthusiastic that of disgust, I thought I'd better post something more accurate!

I was honestly so excited about whipping up these "homemade" peas because it's really cost-effective, and if the ingredients in Gerber's food are peas and water, couldn't I just blend them together for him?

Took about 15 minutes to microwave, add water, blend, and freeze the little cubes. thought they were adorable, but Landon needs a little convincing yet. Guess who doesn't... Sable! (Can't be too shocked, can ya?) On a side-note, Sable's vet was super pleased with her eye's recovery, so we're weaning from her medication and hope to have our well-behaved darling back soon.

We spent this weekend at the lake with mom and dad, Ryan, Kristin, and Leighton. Landon learned a new trick - sitting unassisted - and paired with working on his first teeth (nothing to see yet but excessive drool and chewing!), I think he looks like one of those funny animal greeting cards! You know, where they have the big heads and silly grins?

Aw, sad baby. He also had 4 shots at his 6 month check-up on Friday. He's got a lot on his plate right now. Umm, except for peas. He's like to decline my offer at this time.

Speaking of his appointment, he's now leveled out a bit statistically. He's in the 49%ile for weight (at one point he was 98-99%) and 59%ile (I think) for head circumfrence, which is the most important. He's also in the 7%ile for height! Hahahahahah! He's just so cute I can't get over it.

And here's a cousin hug - look cozy? Pretty sure they toppled over half a second after this photo was taken. Gotta act quick with these guys!

There's so much more I've been meaning to post about, but I always get behind, feel backlogged, then bury my head in the sand snow, pretending that my blog doesn't exist. Might get around to posting some older stuff, might not! Kind of fickle like that.


backtobasics said...

So funny! Maybe you should try pears! Everybody loves pears, right?

april said...

Pears are up next! Tonight, maybe. I've since "homemade" him some sweet potato, and it was a hit. Also tried the peas again with more success that time :)

Unknown said...

Love reading your blog. How's the book coming?
