Thursday, May 19, 2011

Long time, eh?

I have a habit of starting journals, then skipping an entry or two a few weeks in. Then the next thing you know it's been so long that I don't know where to pick back up. So I quit altogether and a few months later I come upon the journal - 12 entries in all - and throw it away, because it feels like starting again would create a book with chapters missing.

I'm trying not to let that happen with this blog. In the midst of a computer virus, issues with our router, and expired antivirus protection on my laptop, I just didn't have the energy to work through it. So, here's a quick update of our life "nowadays"... missing chapters and all:

Tony has finished the last of the big projects on our house; and we're just completing a few landscaping tasks, organizing, and cleaning before we put our home on the market. I'm so sentimental that of course I'm having a hard time with the idea of leaving the house we became a family in; but I also know that we'll make the best new memories in our next home too. Fingers are crossed over here that we are able to build in West Fargo this summer. (All is looking really good... just now finalizing the details of a possible lot!)

He also completed his first semester of teaching at MSCTC. I think all-in-all it went really well, but of course he's glad to have his evenings back (if only to work on previously mentioned landscaping, organizing, and cleaning tasks!).

Landon started crawling on Sunday, which is a real game-changing milestone! He makes a beeline for cables, cords, doors and drawers. All "favorites" of his that I didn't know he felt so strongly about until he was able to get to them himself! Makes me wonder if all the hours I spent reading to him and playing peek-a-boo he was really just hoping I'd get the heck out of the way so he could eye - and map out an attack plan for - an electrical outlet. Motherhood, right?

I'm still home with Landon all day while "casually" looking for part time employment. We are so happy with this arrangement that I know I won't accept a position that isn't the right fit, so the process is admittedly taking longer than I'd ever imagined it would. But days like today - including a leisurely stroll through NDSU campus with our friends Jenna and Keaton - remind me that I am LUCKY to be a stay-at-home-mama for now, and to just enjoy this while the moment lasts. I know something will come up soon enough too soon.

Our weather has finally started resembling summer (or what I remember as summer, it having been so long since our last encounter!), and we have heaps of things to look forward to; Landon will be taking his first swimming lessons with his buddy Jaxen, we'll be attending a Twins game in the cities with a big group of relatives (first time to Target Field for all three of us!), Landon will celebrate his first birthday, and we'll have the chance to enjoy plenty of lazy days at the lake. I heard there are 99 days from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and I want to soak 'em all in.